Anne Hansen, LMP

West Seattle Massage Therapy


If you are suffering from muscle pain and limited mobility due to sore muscles, massage therapy can be a very effective tool for pain management and pain relief.  I use a holistic approach to treat my patients for pain. I start at the point of outer pain and work towards the primary, root cause.  I view the body as a whole system and the interconnectedness of the soft tissue.I understand and empathize with my patients. I take the time to really listen to what you are experiencing and I offer a caring expert touch to bring you physical relief.

Myofascial Release

Myofascial release relieves soft tissue restrictions that cause pain. The fascial system of the body is the web of connective tissue that spreads throughout the body and surrounds every muscle, bone, nerve blood vessel and organ to the cellular level. Myofascial release is the soft tissue therapy that relaxes tight, contracted muscles, improves blood and lymphatic circulation and stimulates the stretch reflex in muscles.  Trauma, inflammatory responses, and/or surgical procedures create myofascial restrictions. My specialty is to release this connective tissue, improving blood and oxygen supply and decreasing pain.

Deep Tissue Massage

Sometimes our bodies are just craving some deep muscle release. My definition of “deep tissue” is subjective. I tune into each individual and use as much or as little pressure as needed to cause a release in the superficial and underlying area of the muscle tissue. As a self described “anatomy geek” – I love unraveling the puzzle of the musculoskelatol system. Yes– everything is connected and releasing something in your legs may lead to tremendous freedom in your low back.  I am sensitive to what works for each client – too much pressure and your muscles will react with spasms, too little pressure and you’ll feel like nothing is being accomplished. I find that sweet spot of pressure and get you on the road to pain relief.

Energy Work

In most of my massage treatment sessions,  I incorporate subtle but very effective energy balancing techniques. These include: craniosacral therapy, reiki and polarity balancing, all of which affect the parasympathetic nervous system. The human body is a bio energetic system and energy work can promote, restore and maintain a healthy balance to that system. Healing energy work helps reduce mental stress, improve concentration and encourages calm, creative thinking.